Privacy Policy

PetStar Australia Platform Privacy Policy

  • Introduction
    • This website (the PetStar Australia Platform) and the products and services made available through the PetStar Australia Platform are created and controlled by PetStar Australia (ABN 24 925 821 239) (PetStar Australia, us or our).
    • PetStar Australia is committed to ensuring your Personal Information is protected. PetStar Australia manages your Personal Information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act).
    • The PetStar Australia Platform is an online marketplace for rehoming or adopting Pets and acts as a directory or conduit for searching, introducing and connecting Pet Owners, Animal Rescues, Pet Buyers and Foster Carers. By accessing and using the PetStar Australia Platform, our products and services you agree to this Privacy Policy.
    • This Privacy Policy outlines how PetStar Australia collects, stores, uses and discloses your Personal Information, and how you may access your Personal Information kept by us or how you may make a privacy complaint.
    • For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, Pet Owners, Animal Rescue, Pet Buyers and Foster Carers have the meanings as provided in the PetStar Australia Platform Terms and Conditions.
  • The information PetStar Australia collect about you
    • Personal information
      • Personal information has the same meaning that it has under the Privacy Act, namely, information means information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether the information or opinion is true or not and recorded in a material form or not.
      • PetStar Australia will only collect and hold Personal Information about Pet Owners, Animal Rescue, Pet Buyers and Foster Carers that is reasonably necessary to undertake our business activities and functions, to make the PetStar Australia Platform, our products and services available to Pet Owners, Animal Rescue, Pet Buyers and Foster Carers, or as otherwise permitted by law.
    • Pet Owners

      PetStar Australia collects and holds Personal Information about Pet Owners as well as information or data that does not contain Personal Information. For example, the type of Personal Information and Non-Personal Information that PetStar Australia collects includes:

      • registration details (for example, full name, date of birth, mobile number, address and email address);
      • account credentials (for example, any username and password created by you as a user of the PetStar Australia Platform);
      • information about the pet you wish to sell, transfer or rehome (such as the Pet’s name, breed, gender, age, microchip number, neutering, vaccination status, name of vet, whether the registration fee for a Pet have been paid.);
      • any other content, information and other data that you post or submit on, or via the PetStar Australia Platform;
      • information relating to your dealings, or enquiries you have made, with us, including information about the PetStar Australia Platform, our products and services or complaints you have raised with us about Animal Rescues, Pet Buyers, Foster Carers or other Pet Owners; and
      • other information that you provide to us or that PetStar Australia may collect in the course of our relationship with you.
    • Animal Rescues

      PetStar Australia collects and holds Personal Information about Animal Rescues as well as information or data that does not contain Personal Information. For example, the type of Personal Information and Non-Personal Information that PetStar Australia collects includes:

      • registration details (for example, name of rescue, full name of owner, full name of second owner, mobile number (can be hidden), suburb and email address);
      • account credentials (for example, any username and password created by you as a user of the PetStar Australia Platform);
      • business information about the Animal Rescue and contact details of your authorised representative or owner(s) (for example, business name, business location (not the full address), work mobile (optional) and office telephone numbers (optional) and work email address, mission statement and rescue guidelines, status as an approved rehoming organisation, pet registration exemption status and operation methods and statistics, type of pets rescued, number of Pets rehomed each year or number of Foster Carers registered with the Animal Rescue, the name of the vets, emergency animal hospitals, critical care and specialists, used by the Animal Rescue, adoption policy for Foster Carers and New Owners), roles of volunteer positions, where you rescue from e.g. pounds, surrenders, foster carers Facebook group name, what training is provided to foster carers and other volunteers, dog trainers/behaviourists your organisation is working with, communication methods, foster carer application process, emergency contact person and hours available, adoption policy for foster carers to adopt a pet in their care);
      • any other content, information and other data that you post or submit on, or via the PetStar Australia Platform;
      • information relating to your dealings, or enquiries you have made, with us, including information about the PetStar Australia Platform, our products and services or complaints you have raised with us about other Animal Rescues or other Foster Carers, Pet Buyers or Pet Owners; and
      • other information that you provide to us or that PetStar Australia may collect in the course of our relationship with you.
    • Foster Carers

      PetStar Australia collects and holds Personal Information about Foster Carers as well as information or data that does not contain Personal Information. For example, the type of Personal Information and Non-Personal Information that PetStar Australia collects includes:

      • account credentials (for example, any username and password created by you as a user of the PetStar Australia Platform);
      • registration details (for example, full name, age, mobile number, suburb, email address, preferred contact method, emergency person and contact details), do you have a driver’s licence and own a car? (only accessed by Animal Rescues, not the general public);
      • information about the Foster Carer (for example, experience with pets and pet ownership and your pet’s behaviour and vet/medication history, experience foster caring for domestic pets and other animals, previous rescues you have fostered for, fostering preferences, information regarding your household and hours pet will be left alone, breeder status, renting or home owner, work status, secure yard and fencing, accessible shelter, ability to visit vets identified by the Animal Rescue, and would you agree to supply your ID, Rental Agreement (if renting) and undertake a ‘home visit’ by the Animal Rescue);
      • any other content, information and other data that you post or submit on, or via the PetStar Australia Platform;
      • information relating to your dealings, or enquiries you have made, with us, including information about the PetStar Australia Platform, our products and services or complaints you have raised with us about other Animal Rescues or other Foster Carers, Pet Buyers or Pet Owners; and
      • other information that you provide to us or that PetStar Australia may collect in the course of our relationship with you.
    • Pet Buyers

      PetStar Australia collect and hold Personal Information about Pet Buyers as well as information or data that does not contain Personal Information. For example, the type of Personal Information and Non-Personal Information that PetStar Australia collects includes information about the type and location of the pets you are interested in purchasing, adopting or re-homing, the pet listing you have visited or clicked on and the Pet Owner you have contacted on, or via, the PetStar Australia Platform.

    • Other information
      • PetStar Australia may also collect some information that is not Personal Information because it does not identify you or anyone else. For example, PetStar Australia may collect anonymous answers to surveys or aggregated information about how Pet Owners, Animal Rescues, Pet Buyers and Foster Carers use the PetStar Australia Platform.
      • PetStar Australia may collect information regarding your access and use of the PetStar Australia Platform, including location information, your computer’s internet protocol (IP) address, unique device identifier, browser characteristics, device characteristics, operating system, language preferences, referring URLs, information on actions taken on the PetStar Australia Platform, dates and times of visits to the PetStar Australia Platform and other usage statistics;
      • If you are a candidate seeking employment with us, PetStar Australia will use your Personal Information to process your application and assess your suitability for any role. PetStar Australia may retain your information for future reference.
    • Sensitive Information
      • PetStar Australia do not collect your Sensitive Information (as defined by the Privacy Act). However, some of our services are automated and PetStar Australia may not recognise that you have accidentally provided us with Sensitive Information.
      • If you have accidentally sent us Sensitive Information, please contact us using the contact details set out in section 11 below.
  • How PetStar Australia collect Personal Information
    • Direct collection from you
      • PetStar Australia will collect Personal Information and Non-Personal Information about you in several different ways. PetStar Australia may collect Personal Information and Non-Personal Information directly from you or in the course of our dealings with you. For example:
        • in the case of a Pet Owner, when you:
          • access and use the PetStar Australia Platform (including when you open an account or create or update your account on, or, via, the PetStar Australia Platform);
          • upload, publish or display information about pets you wish to sell, transfer or re-home or when you otherwise submit or publish information or data on, or via, the PetStar Australia Platform; or
          • contact, interact or communicate with Pet Buyers or Animal Rescues on, or, via, the PetStar Australia Platform.
        • in the case of an Animal Rescue or Foster Carer, when:
          • you access and use the PetStar Australia Platform (including when you open an account or create or update your account on, or, via, the PetStar Australia Platform);
          • you (as an Animal Rescue) use the PetStar Australia Platform to search for Foster Carers or when you upload, publish or display information about pets you wish to re-home or arrange foster care for;
          • you (as a Foster Carer) use the PetStar Australia Platform to search for, and register with, Animal Rescues; and
          • you contact, interact or communicate with Foster Carers, Animal Rescues, Pet Owners or Pet Buyers on, or, via, the PetStar Australia Platform or you otherwise submit or publish information or data on, or via, the PetStar Australia Platform.
        • in the case of a Pet Buyer, when you:
          • visit and access the PetStar Australia Platform (such as when you research for pets to purchase, adopt or re-home); and
          • contact, interact or communicate with Pet Owners or Animal Rescues on, or, via, the PetStar Australia Platform.
        • contact or correspond with us via email or telephone or when you submit a query through PetStar Australia Platform about Pets, Animal Rescues, Foster Carers, Pet Owners and our products and services or make a comment on our social media sites (such as Facebook or Instagram) or when you lodge a complaint about another user of the PetStar Australia Platform;
        • when you visit the PetStar Australia Platform or submit information through the PetStar Australia Platform (including on, or via, our related social media accounts), contact us, or complete any online forms or documents or when you enter or participate in competitions, promotions, events, sweepstakes, surveys and questionnaires; and
        • when otherwise legally authorised or required to do so.
      • When PetStar Australia collects Personal Information directly from you, PetStar Australia will take reasonable steps to notify you (using a collection notice) at, before, or as soon as practicable after, the time of collection.
      • By providing your Personal Information to us, you acknowledge that you are authorised to provide such information to us.
    • Collection from third parties
      • PetStar Australia may also collect Personal Information and Non-Personal Information about you from publicly available sources and third parties, including:
        • when you provide your Personal Information to our Authorised Affiliates or other third parties;
        • from Pet Owners, Animal Rescues, Pet Buyers and Foster Carers (as the case may be);
        • if you use:
          • our social media sites or applications, pages or plugins; or
          • third party products or services that interact with the PetStar Australia Platform, our products, services or third-party payment processors.
      • When PetStar Australia collect your Personal Information from third parties, PetStar Australia shall take reasonable steps to make sure you are aware of the collection.
      • If you provide us with Personal Information about another individual (as their authorised representative), PetStar Australia rely on you to:
        • inform them that you are providing their Personal Information to us; and
        • advise them that they can contact us for further information.
      • You must take reasonable steps to ensure the individual is aware of, and consents to, the matters outlined in this Privacy Policy, including that their Personal Information is being collected, the purposes for which that information is being collected, the intended recipients of that information, the individual's right to access that information, and who PetStar Australia are and how to contact us.
      • Upon our request, you must also assist us with any requests by the individual to access or update the Personal Information you have collected from them and provided to us.
    • Third party payment processor

      PetStar Australia use a third party payment processor to process payments made to us. In connection with the processing of such payments, PetStar Australia do not collect, process, use, share, store or disclose any payment information (such as credit card and bank account details). Rather, all such information is provided directly to our third party processor, Stripe, whose use of your Personal Information is governed by their privacy policy, which may be viewed at

  • How PetStar Australia use your Personal Information
    • Purposes of use and disclosure
      • PetStar Australia only use, process and disclose your Personal Information for the purposes for which it is collected.
      • In particular, PetStar Australia use, process and disclose your Personal Information and Non-Personal Information to:
        • provide or deliver the PetStar Australia Platform and our products and services to you, including, without limitation, to provide the means through which you can search and connecting with Pet Owners, Animal Rescue, Pet Buyers and Foster Carers (as the case may be);
        • informing you about the PetStar Australia Platform, our products or services or about offers, competitions, promotions, events, sweepstakes, surveys, questionnaires about us, the PetStar Australia Platform or other matters which PetStar Australia believes is of interest to you (such as recruitment or job opportunities);
        • manage, administer, improve, test, develop and upgrade the PetStar Australia Platform and our products and services, informing you about scheduled maintenance or outages and managing our relationship with you or to otherwise investigate complaints about the PetStar Australia Platform, Pet Owners, Animal Rescues, Pet Buyers or Foster Carers;
        • share with our Authorised Affiliates;
        • charge and bill you in relation to your use of use the PetStar Australia Platform and Equipment:
        • verifying your identity;
        • for internal record keeping;
        • for direct marketing purposes (see below);
        • complying with our legal and regulatory obligations;
        • for any purpose to which you have consented; and
        • for any other purpose notified to you at the time of collection.
      • In the event of a merger, acquisition or sale of the whole or part of our business or assets, PetStar Australia reserve the right to transfer your Personal Information as part of the transaction, without your consent or notice to you.
    • Disclosure to Authorised Affiliates
      • In order to provide or deliver the PetStar Australia Platform, provide our products or services to you, PetStar Australia may disclose your Personal Information and Non-Personal Information to:
        • our related body corporates, business partners, service providers, third party contractors, agents or suppliers;
        • authorised external service providers who perform functions on our behalf, such as internet and technology services providers, app and website software developers, hosting and data storage companies, marketing, advertising and security service providers, third party payment processors, fulfilment companies, credit reporting agents, debt collection agents, market research and recruitment service providers; and
        • external business advisors, such as accountants, auditors, lawyers, insurers and financiers,
        (collectively, Authorised Affiliates).
      • PetStar Australia may share your Personal Information with other users of the PetStar Australia Platform for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. For example:
        • in the case of Animal Rescues, PetStar Australia may share your full name, address, email and phone number with Foster Carers and Pet Owners;
        • in the case of Foster Carers, PetStar Australia may share your name, address or location and your, preferred method of contact (eg email, text message or phone) with Animal Rescues; and
        • in the case of Pet Owners, PetStar Australia may share your full name, suburb, email, contact number and your preferred method of contact with Animal Rescues and Pet Buyers.
      • PetStar Australia may also disclose your Personal Information and Non-Personal Information:
        • to any other party with your consent and direction;
        • to law enforcement bodies or regulatory authorities to assist with their functions, or as otherwise required or authorised by law; or
        • where PetStar Australia consider it necessary to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process, governmental request or industry code or standard.
      • When PetStar Australia disclose your Personal Information or Non-Personal Information to any of our Authorised Affiliates, PetStar Australia will ensure that they undertake to protect your privacy. These Authorised Affiliates are not permitted to use the information for any purpose other than the purpose for which they have been given access.
      • Our Authorised Affiliates may also provide us with Personal Information and Non-Personal Information collected from you. If you disclose Personal Information to Authorised Affiliates, PetStar Australia rely on you to provide the Authorised Affiliates with consent for us to collect, storage, use, process, alter and disclose your Personal Information.
    • Overseas disclosure
      • In the course of providing you with access to, and use of, PetStar Australia Platform, our products or services it may become necessary or desirable to disclose Personal Information to Authorised Affiliates located overseas. The countries in which these overseas recipients may be located will depend upon the individual circumstances. However, in the course of our ordinary business operations PetStar Australia commonly disclose Personal Information to our third party payment processors (Stripe) located outside of Australia, including the United States and elsewhere in the world.
      • The laws where these overseas recipients may be located provide various levels of protection for Personal Information which are not always equivalent to the level of protection that may be provided for in Australia. Where PetStar Australia transfer your Personal Information overseas, PetStar Australia will take reasonable steps to ensure that your Personal Information is treated securely and the means of transfer provides adequate safeguards.
      • If you have any questions in relation to the transfer of your Personal Information please contact us using the contact details set out in section 11 below.
  • Notifiable Data Breach Laws

    In the event of any loss, or unauthorised access or disclosure of your Personal Information that is likely to result in serious harm to you, PetStar Australia will investigate and notify you and the Australian Information Commissioner as soon as practicable, in accordance with notifiable data breach scheme contained in the Privacy Act.

  • Marketing communications
    • Direct marketing
      • PetStar Australia may use and disclose your Personal Information to send you information about the PetStar Australia Platform, Foster Carers, Animal Rescues, Pets for sale, Pets available for adoption or re-homing or Pets that require rescuing or other information about the products or services PetStar Australia may offer from time to time, as well as other information that may be of interest to you.
      • These communications may continue, even after you stop using the PetStar Australia Platform.
    • Communication channels
      • We may send this information to you via the communication channels specified at the time you provide your consent.
      • These communication channels may include mail, email, SMS telephone, social media or by customising online content and displaying notices on the PetStar Australia Platform.
    • Opting-out

      You can opt out of receiving these communications by:

      • contacting us using the details below; or
      • using the unsubscribe function in the email or SMS.
  • Storage and security
    • Protecting your Personal Information
      • PetStar Australia take reasonable steps in the circumstances to keep your Personal Information and Non-Personal Information safe. PetStar Australia use a combination of technical, administrative, and physical controls to protect and maintain the security of your Personal Information and Non-Personal Information.
      • Our employees, agents and third-party contractors are expected to observe the confidentiality of your Personal Information and Non-Personal Information.
      • Wherever possible, PetStar Australia procure that Authorised Affiliates who have access to your Personal Information and Non-Personal Information take reasonable steps to:
        • protect and maintain the security of your Personal Information and Non-Personal Information; and
        • comply with the Australian Privacy Principles when accessing and using your Personal Information.
    • No guarantee
      • The transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. While we do our best to protect your Personal Information and Non-Personal Information, we cannot guarantee the security of any Personal Information and Non-Personal Information transmitted through the PetStar Australia Platform.
      • You provide your Personal Information and Non-Personal Information to us at your own risk, and we are not responsible for any unauthorised access to, and disclosure of, your Personal Information and Non-Personal Information.
    • Destruction of Personal Information

      PetStar Australia will destroy or de-identify Personal Information in circumstances where your Personal Information is no longer required, unless we are required or authorised by law to retain the information.

  • Accessing and correcting your Personal Information
    • PetStar Australia shall use our reasonable endeavours to keep your Personal Information accurate, up-to-date and complete. You have the right to access any Personal Information PetStar Australia hold about you, subject to some exceptions under the Privacy Act.
    • You can access, or request that we correct, your Personal Information by writing to us using the details below. PetStar Australia may require proof of identity. If we do not allow you to access any part of your Personal Information, we will tell you why in writing.
    • PetStar Australia will not charge you for requesting access to your Personal Information but may charge you for our reasonable costs in supplying you with access to this information.
    • PetStar Australia will endeavour to respond to your request for access or correction within 14 days of your request.
  • Cookies Policy
    • Cookies
      • PetStar Australia use small text files placed on your computer called ‘cookies’ to collect standard log and visitor behaviour information in an anonymous form. PetStar Australia use this information to analyse how visitors use the PetStar Australia Platform and to compile statistical reports on website activity. You can set your computer to reject cookies, but this may affect your ability to use certain parts of the PetStar Australia Platform.
      • PetStar Australia may also log your IP address. Your IP address is your computer’s electronic Internet address. PetStar Australia may collect your IP address to see trends, run the website, track user movements, and gather broad demographic information.
    • Google Analytics
      • Services that the PetStar Australia Platform may use from time to time include Google Analytics, which transmits website traffic data to Google servers. Google Analytics does not identify individual users or associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. PetStar Australia use reports provided by Google Analytics to help us understand traffic and usage on our website. By using the PetStar Australia Platform, you consent to Google processing your data in the manner described in Google’s Privacy Policy ( and for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.
      • Google may pass on cookies to its partners and other third parties to achieve its purposes. For more information on how Google uses the information collected from cookies, and how you can opt out of this feature please see Google’s Privacy Policy. You can also view Google Analytics’ currently available opt-out (see
  • Privacy complaints
    • If you have any issues about this Privacy Policy or the way PetStar Australia handle your Personal Information, please contact us using the details below and provide full details of your complaint and any supporting documentation.
    • At all times, privacy complaints:
      • will be treated seriously;
      • will be dealt with promptly;
      • will be dealt with in a confidential manner; and
      • will not affect your existing obligations or your commercial arrangements with us.
    • PetStar Australia will endeavour to:
      • respond to you within 7 business days; and
      • investigate and attempt to resolve your concerns within 30 business days or any longer period necessary and notified to you by PetStar Australia.
    • If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may refer the complaint to Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
  • How to contact us

    If you have any complaints or issues you wish to raise with us regarding the way PetStar Australia have handled your Personal Information, or would like to discuss any issues about our Privacy Policy, please contact us directly by email at

  • Changes to this Privacy Policy
    • From time to time, it may be necessary for us to review and revise our Privacy Policy. PetStar Australia may notify you about changes to this Privacy Policy by posting an updated version on our website or on the PetStar Australia Platform.
    • PetStar Australia encourage you to check the PetStar Australia Platform from time to time to ensure you are familiar with our latest Privacy Policy.