Owner NameAprelle GarciaLocationEmailapee.g.ag@gmail.comContact Number0416589047How would you like to be contacted in the first instance?
Pet Info
Posted under
Rehome Pet
How long have you owned your pet?4 yearsAre you the legal owner of this pet?YesIf you are not the legal owner, please explain the situationIs your pet desexed?YesMicrochip number991003000822027Pet's namepreciousType of petsCats/Kittens Stage of lifeAdultDate of birth03/09/2020Age4GenderFemaleSizeSmall (under 15kgs)BreedDomestic ShorthairIs mixed breed?NoOther breed or animalIs bonded pair?Yes
Vaccination Details
Name of vet last attendedgreencross fairy meadowLast date vaccinated16/02/2022Last Vaccination Type01/04/2010Given flea treatment within the last month?NoGiven tick treatment within the last month?NoGiven worming treatment in the last month?NoGiven heartworm treatment within the last month?NoNeeds a heartworm test?NoWhy?Special diet or medical needs?
Pet Behavior
Ok with dogs
Please specify:gets anxious arounds other animalsOkay with cats?
Okay with farm animals?OK with pocket pets (e.g. rabbits, guinea pigs etc.)?NoDoes not like:Household & kids
OK with kids under 5
OK with kids under 12
OK with teenagers
Please specify:Carer Availability
Part time or similar is OK
Shows aggression?
With other cats/dogs
With strangers entering the property / house
Walks well on lead?
Reactive to other dogs when on lead?
Understands basic obedience?
Listens to commands, and usually follows the command after a few times
Adoption Details
Adoption Fee$50.00Is the fee negotiable?NoInterstate adoption available?NoMedical issues, background information, other information you would like the new owner to know.no medical issues, precious can get funny around new people or certain people she is an anxious cat and can take a bit to warm up to people but once she does she is very affectionate and loving she loves laying on my lap for stratches and she loves playing with toys i haven't really had her around other animals only loki the cat she has grown up with they tend to play fight sometimes, she does'nt like loud noises such as bangs but things like loud music or tv is okay i would prefer if precious and loki can stay together as they have never been seperated i have another post for him aswell but feel free to contact me for more information they are strictly indoor cats