Owner NameZachary BednarzLocationRuse, NSW 2560 AustraliaEmailzchrybdnrz@gmail.comContact Number0431294352How would you like to be contacted in the first instance?
Pet Info
Posted under
Rehome Pet
How long have you owned your pet?2 years Are you the legal owner of this pet?NoIf you are not the legal owner, please explain the situationI am posting on my mother's behalf. She is the legal owner Is your pet desexed?YesMicrochip number900164002129985Pet's nameFrankieType of petsDogs/Puppies Stage of lifeAdultDate of birth10/01/2022Age2GenderFemaleSizeMedium (under 25kgs)BreedIs mixed breed?YesOther breed or animalCattle dog X unknown Is bonded pair?No
Vaccination Details
Name of vet last attendedDoctor spot Last date vaccinated03/05/2023Last Vaccination TypeProtech c3 Given flea treatment within the last month?NoGiven tick treatment within the last month?NoGiven worming treatment in the last month?YesGiven heartworm treatment within the last month?NoNeeds a heartworm test?NoWhy?She is due it soon Special diet or medical needs?
Pet Behavior
Ok with dogs
Please specify:We, took her too the dog park a bunch of times when she was about 6-10 months old, she had gotten along with all the dogs well. But we had a run in with a bad dog and a bad owner, and we havent return since. She hasn't shown any real aggressive to other dogs unless they show aggression first - when we are on walks - she is really excited by dogs and wants to play but we just don't allow it and don't have the capacity to test a meeting situation Okay with cats?
Okay with farm animals?OK with pocket pets (e.g. rabbits, guinea pigs etc.)?NoDoes not like:Frankie is quite anxious is wants to know what's going on, if she is unable too see what's making a certain noise(e.g. a neighbour make noise or banging near the fence she will bark at the fence). I wouldn't say she dislikes anything she is just wary Household & kids
OK with kids under 12
Please specify:Frankie can be a rough player and she needs to be around people that understand not to get her excited if they don't want rough play Carer Availability
OK with full time workers
Shows aggression?
Never shows aggression
Walks well on lead?
Sometimes, pulls when they see another animal, but not excessive.
Reactive to other dogs when on lead?
Understands basic obedience?
No, needs training
Adoption Details
Adoption Fee$0.00Is the fee negotiable?NoInterstate adoption available?YesMedical issues, background information, other information you would like the new owner to know.In my belief Frankie is a good girl, she is happy and wants to have attention and be trained. She responds well to training -we just don't have the time to do adequate training- and is highly food driven. Frankie was a rescue from a litter of pups that were going to be put down, she was the last pup to leave her mother. Frankie is an anxious dog and is startled by sounds she is unsure of and can't see where they are coming from and will bark at said sound. She loves to play fetch although sometimes she prefers to turn fetch into chasies, she is a mouthy player when it comes to roughhouse play but most of the time understands when play is over. She has never shown food aggression. Frankie is crate trained and sleep in her crate every night. She is usually okay on walks so long as there are no dogs, she really wants to meet other dogs.
The reason we are rehoming Frankie is because she is no longer able to get the life she deserves at her current home, we have a young child living with us now and unfortunately has to spend most of her time in her crate because she is too rough for a toddler. Frankie doesn't like to spend time outside if we are home, when we are not she is fine. We want to find a home for frank where she feels safe and happy to be herself with a family that is able to provide to training she wants and needs. I post this with an extremely heavy heart but we just want the best for her