Owner NameEmily AdareLocation NSW AustraliaEmailemilyadare58@gmail.comContact Number0402562403How would you like to be contacted in the first instance?
Pet Info
Posted under
Rehome Pet
How long have you owned your pet?2 years Are you the legal owner of this pet?YesIf you are not the legal owner, please explain the situationIs your pet desexed?YesMicrochip number900164002059683Pet's nameMilaType of petsDogs/Puppies Stage of lifeAdultDate of birthAge2 years old GenderFemaleSizeMedium (under 25kgs)BreedIs mixed breed?YesOther breed or animalMastiff xIs bonded pair?No
Vaccination Details
Name of vet last attendedTuggerah vetLast date vaccinated18/03/2024Last Vaccination TypeKc and C3Given flea treatment within the last month?YesGiven tick treatment within the last month?YesGiven worming treatment in the last month?YesGiven heartworm treatment within the last month?YesNeeds a heartworm test?NoWhy?Special diet or medical needs?None
Pet Behavior
Ok with dogs
Other (please specify)
Please specify:Good with other dogs however can be timid around dogs that are overly enthusiastic/full on Okay with cats?
Okay with farm animals?OK with pocket pets (e.g. rabbits, guinea pigs etc.)?NoDoes not like:Timid around men but still socialHousehold & kids
OK with kids under 5
OK with kids under 12
OK with teenagers
Please specify:Carer Availability
Part time or similar is OK
Shows aggression?
Never shows aggression
Walks well on lead?
Sometimes, pulls when they see another animal, but not excessive.
Reactive to other dogs when on lead?
Understands basic obedience?
Yes, sit and come
Adoption Details
Adoption Fee$0.00Is the fee negotiable?YesInterstate adoption available?NoMedical issues, background information, other information you would like the new owner to know.Is a rescue dog so she can be timid around new people. Has had behavioural assessments done and is not aggressive just timid, she will need someone that is willing to work with her to help to lift her confidence.